Quote Cast #1
Quote: “You can do anything you set your mind to.”
Who Said it? Benjamin Franklin
Something about them?
Benjamin Franklin is known for being:
a Founding Father
Franklin helped to draft the Declaration of Independence
The U.S. Constitution
and he negotiated the 1783 Treaty of Paris ending the Revolutionary War.
What I did not know about him was that he :
He was the youngest of 15 Kids
He worked as an apprentice under his father at a print shop his brother ran.
During this time, Franklin learned a great deal about newspaper publishing
He started sending in letters under the Name
When Benjamins older brother James refused to publish any of his writings, 16-year-old Franklin started writing under the pseudonym Mrs. Silence Dogood
The “14 imaginative and witty letters” were adored by the readers of his brother’s newspaper, which was called the The New England Courant.
His brother James was not too pleased with him when he learned that his apprentice and little brother was actually the Author of the popular letters.
Benjamin got sick and tired of his older brother’s “harsh and tyrannical” behavior
So he decided enough was enough and cut out on his contract with the print shop 3 years early and left Boston in 1723.
He escaped to New York before settling in Philadelphia and began working with another printer.
Philadelphia became his home base for the rest of his life.
My: Thoughts or application:
Ideally we would love the Quote and the person who said it to match up nicely. I personally love it when actions and words line up, and in this case I think they do now that I have a more indepth glimpse of Benjamin Franklin as a youngster.
He definitely followed through with anything he put his mind too.
He wanted to write and was told no , and he did it anyway.
I think it was interesting that he chose to write as a female too.
He didn't just crash through one wall of expectations, but he crashed through another one.
He was locked into a contract, but chose to bust out of that contract due to the harsh environment working under his abusive brother, and moved not just out of the city , but also out of the state.
So when you hear the Quote: “You can do anything you set your mind to.” I hope you can be inspired to look past your perceived restrictions. Sometimes we can get caught up in believing we are trapped in a situation because we don't see an exit door.
IMO,If you don’t see one, make one!
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I hope you enjoyed this little trip in history and found some inspiration from cliche saying and an interesting story!
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